Our Approach

IGMHI centers community-engaged services, strengths, needs, and priorities. Our vision is maximized health and well-being across sectors and disciplines, contributing to the advancement of durable and equitable social justice, planetary health, and social determinants of health.

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three women working at a conference table

Our services are...

  • Community-engaged: We engage with Partners and communities at every stage and aim to create sustainable, accessible solutions.

  • Human-centered: We highlight Partners’ strengths and empower them at each stage.

  • Trauma-informed: We maintain awareness of historical, social, and other personal contexts that impact and inform our work.

  • Culturally responsive: We acknowledge diverse social preferences, encourage culturally grounded forms of healing, avoid assumptions, and respect local practices.

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IGMHI's provision of mental health care and support is grounded in evidence, applied research, cultural responsivity, community engagement, and sustainability. We offer education & training, technical assistance & capacity building, and mental health & psychosocial support.

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Our foundations of innovation promote connectedness both intersectorally and intergenerationally through communities, helping to enhance existing strengths, advance local workforce development, expand access to MHPSS services, reduce cultural barriers, and promote human rights.

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Our Team

IGMHI is an interdisciplinary team of experienced practitioners, researchers, educators, and activists working across sectors and disciplines to maximize health and well-being through addressing pressing needs and priorities of communities affected by adversity and trauma.

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Interdisciplinary Global Mental Health Innovation