
We utilize a multi-layered approach with communities at the core. We engage with a diversity of communities, understand that adversity and trauma experiences widely differ, and co-create tailored supports that enhance safety, health, and well-being. Delivery of mental health and psychosocial support is aligned with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Guidelines for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (Levels 1–3) and the World Health Organization Mental Health Gap Action Program (mhGAP) priority areas.

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Partner with Us

If you or your organization would like to collaborate, please contact us at the link below.  
For emergency assistance, dial the national crisis support line at 9-8-8.

Partner Request Form

Our MHPSS Services

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Level 3: Focused, Non-specialized Supports

  • Psychological First Aid
  • Individualized support for survivors

Level 2: Community & Family Supports

  • Psychoeducation for coping and recovery
  • Family supports for reunification, mourning, and communal healing
  • Groups to foster belonging and shared identities

Level 1: Basic Services & Security

  • Identify and advocate for psychosocial needs
  • Document impact of emergencies
  • Workshops, peer groups, psychoeducation
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Help Support IGMHI

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Our Approach

IGMHI provides community-engaged, culturally responsive, trauma-informed services to support resilience within communities around the world facing adversity and trauma related to climate change, armed conflict, crises, migration, human rights, and violence.

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Our foundations of innovation promote connectedness both intersectorally and intergenerationally through communities, helping to enhance existing strengths, advance local workforce development, expand access to MHPSS services, reduce cultural barriers, and promote human rights.

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Our Team

IGMHI is an interdisciplinary team of experienced practitioners, researchers, educators, and activists working across sectors and disciplines to maximize health and well-being through addressing pressing needs and priorities of communities affected by adversity and trauma.

Meet Our Team



Interdisciplinary Global Mental Health Innovation