Giving is Easy. Your Impact is Lasting.
Fostering a spirit of community responsibility and leadership is an essential part of our mission. We appreciate the many ways our partners and alumni support us, whether those gifts come in the form of financial assistance or time—through supervision, mentorship, or providing sliding scale services for our student body.
Scholarships and Student Support
Today's economy poses a significant challenge to many of our students. Tuition and living costs are rising in Denver at an unprecedented pace. Scholarships are essential to our mission to be thought leaders in mental health and provide the next generation of practitioners with an education that empowers them to work for the public good.
Investing in our students is investing in the mental health wellbeing of the Denver community members we help every day. Your gift can make a world of difference for our students, and those students in turn can improve numerous lives with their skills and knowledge.
GSPP Endowed Alumni Scholarship Fund
Scholarships awarded from the GSPP Endowed Alumni Scholarship Fund are given to students on the basis of academic merit and/or financial need, which helps us recruit a diverse, passionate student body.
Harbor Lights Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Harbor Lights Endowed Scholarship Fund provides financial support to students in our International Disaster Psychology Program, helping to offset the costs of the international field placements that allow our students to serve remote and underserved communities.
Support Students in the International Disaster Psychology Program
Diane M. Simard Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Diane M. Simard Endowed Scholarship Fund provides support for students studying health psychology, particularly oncology psychology.
MASPP Alumni Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014, the MASPP Alumni Scholarship Fund supports graduate students enrolled in the Masters in Sport & Performance Psychology Program.
MAFP Scholarship Fund
This fund directly supports students in our forensic psychology program.
Latinx Psychology Specialty Scholarship Fund
This scholarship supports master's or doctoral students in our Latinx psychology specialty as they work to address the unique needs of this community with culturally and linguistically appropriate services.
Peter Buirski Scholarship Fund
The Peter Buirski Scholarship Fund supports our doctoral students. This scholarship is often awarded to students interested in pursuing modern psychodynamic/intersubjective systems theory.
Nelson Jones Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007 in honor of Nelson Jones, Dean Emeritus of GSPP, the Nelson Jones Endowed Scholarship Fund supports doctoral students.
Jeff Rothstein Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
In 2011 the Jeff Rothstein Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to support our doctoral students. In honor of Jeff, preference is given to students who demonstrate exceptional clinical skills.
Support the Jeff Rothstein Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Carla Garrity Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established to honor one of our most influential professors, the Carla Garrity Endowed Scholarship Fund supports doctoral students, with preference given to students concentrating in the study of child and adolescent treatment.

Support Our Clinics
We have clinics specializing in everything from early childhood mental health to forensic psychology. Whatever discipline of psychology you're passionate about, you can find a project worth supporting among our clinics.
Program Support
Throughout our history, we've pioneered innovative solutions to match evolving needs. By providing a combination of generalist and specialty experiences in the classroom, clinic and community, we're able to produce graduates who can effectively meet the needs of their clients. With your help, we're determined to strengthen our academic programs and increase opportunities for our graduate students to serve the community while they are still in school.
Dean's Innovation Fund
The Dean's Innovation Fund is the School's annual fund and supports innovation, new programming, curriculum development, faculty research and support, student financial aid and student life activities.
Sport Coaching Gift Fund
Our sport coaching program is the only master’s-level degree program in coaching offered in a school of psychology in the country, and donor support is essential to us as we work to expand our reach and develop more transformative coaches.
Sturm Specialty in Military Psychology Fund
The Sturm Specialty in Military Psychology Discretionary Fund is used for program development, clinic expenses, faculty research and student support.
Diane Simard Fund for the Center for Oncology Psychology Excellence
The Diane Simard Fund for the Center for Oncology Psychology Excellence advances our mission to train psychologists equipped to provide help to cancer patients and their families.
Latinx Psychology Specialty Program Support Fund
The Latinx Psychology Specialty Program Support Fund helps us train culturally competent mental health professionals and funds international immersion experiences, program development, clinic expenses, faculty research and student support.
Emily B. Spencer Fund for Substance Abuse Education
Our substance use disorder psychology specialty works to develop effective education and programming for substance use disorders for practitioners across the DU campus and in the Denver community.
Support the Emily B. Spencer Fund for Substance Abuse Education
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialty Fund
This fund provides support for our infant and early childhood mental health specialty and corresponding Caring for You and Baby (CUB) Clinic.
Support the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialty Fund
Robert E. Loup Endowed Fund
Established in honor of Robert E. Loup, this fund provides programmatic support for the Sturm Specialty in Military Psychology.
Psychosocial Trauma and Recovery Student Initiative Fund
The Psychosocial Trauma and Recovery Student Initiative Fund provides support for psychosocial response work domestically and abroad and combines the work of the International Disaster Psychology program and Latinx Psychology Specialty.
Support the Psychosocial Trauma and Recovery Student Initiative Fund
Colorado Resilience Collaborative Gift Fund
The purpose of this fund is to support the work of the Colorado Resilience Collaborative (CRC), an interdisciplinary initiative addressing identity-based violence.