Our Approach

The Global MHPSS Network is made up of three primary branches:

  • Education, which includes requests for training, resources, continued education, psychoeducation, and specialized certifications
  • Consultation, which includes a variety of requests ranging from program evaluations and needs assessments to clinical case recommendations, capacity-building efforts, community resources, and support for public policy
  • Psychosocial support, which includes direct services, community mental health programming, and acute disaster response

Historical Context

To date, most MHPSS interventions have drawn on models of trauma treatment developed in Global North and high-resource contexts that may not be feasible or appropriate for Global South and low-resource settings. Delivery of care is often coordinated and implemented by actors outside of the affected communities with limited engagement from local agencies and stakeholders. As a result, this has limited how useful and sustainable MHPSS care is in many regions, and in some instances, has done more harm than benefit.

The Global MHPSS Network was born out of the growing need for more accessible and culturally responsive mental health and psychosocial services, both globally and locally. In response to the lessons learned from prior MHPSS initiatives, we utilize community-engaged methods of care centered on the needs and priorities of affected communities to enhance the usability and impact of the services we provide.

Our services are:

  • Community-engaged: We engage with partners and communities at every stage, and aim to create sustainable, accessible solutions.
  • Human-centered: We highlight partners' strengths and empower them at each stage.
  • Trauma-informed: We maintain awareness of historical, social, and other personal context that impacts and informs our work.
  • Culturally responsive: We acknowledge diverse social preferences, encourage culturally grounded forms of healing, avoid assumptions, and respect local practices.

Scaled Approach

The Global MHPSS Network was launched in 2023 and is utilizing a scaled approach to continuously expand its services to meet the needs of our global community in a responsible, sustainable manner.

  • Short-Term
    • Develop an inclusive network of Global MHPSS Network affiliates and affiliate organizations with experience and skills in global mental health, trauma, public health and environment, emergency preparedness and response, human rights, community-engaged and participatory methods, policy and advocacy, and more.
    • Engage partner organizations and communities globally.
    • Develop applied learning and apprentice opportunities for graduate students to develop knowledge and skills that will translate to expanded global MHPSS workforces.
  • Medium-Term
    • Grow the Network to engage more affiliates and affiliate organizations.
    • Engage with more partners and communities globally.
    • Facilitate learning opportunities and MHPSS services for student apprentices.
  • Long-Term
    • Expand availability and utilization of MHPSS care, support, and training among affected communities engaged with the Network.
    • Improve quality of life and wellbeing among affected communities engaged with the Network.