The Family Support Clinic
An entity of GSPP Clinical Services within the Trauma and Disaster Recovery Clinic
The Family Support Clinic (FSC) serves the parents of adolescents and young adults affected by significant mental health conditions.
Helping you feel emotionally and practically well-supported as a parent of your adolescent or young adult who is experiencing the challenges of a significant mental health condition.
Over 1 in 5 Youth and young adults experience a serious mental health condition
50%-80% of their parents have high caregiver distress, anxiety, and depression
Parent Support Groups
Come participate in a parent support group that provides a safe and supportive space for learning, sharing experiences with other parents grappling with similar experiences, and developing insights about parenting under very challenging family conditions. You’ll discover ways to increase your well-being, knowledge, strength, and sense of empowerment as you continue your journey of supporting your adolescent or young adult to reach their potential.
Individual Therapy for Parents
Receive individual support as you navigate the personal impact and complexities of supporting your adolescent or young adult experiencing a significant mental health condition.
Resources & Referrals
Develop knowledge of community resources available to assist parents and their families in meeting the practical needs of your youth or young adult.