We provide excellent forensic evaluation and assessment across a wide variety of psycholegal referral questions and circumstances. Common evaluations include violence risk, mitigation, competency to stand trial, capacity to waive Miranda or other legal rights, and juvenile waivers.

We also provide traditional psychological assessment for use in a forensic context. This includes assessments of intellectual and cognitive capacities, neuropsychological functioning, personality traits, and others.

Finally, Denver FIRST conducts forensic assessments in settings beyond the criminal court. We can conduct or consult on many types of civil forensic evaluations, such as evaluations for social security disability, discrimination, and others.

We use evidence-based and state of the art testing materials and assessment protocols. When appropriate, students will assist with testing administration and scoring under the supervision of licensed Denver FIRST faculty. Students have completed standard and advanced graduate courses in testing, measurement, and specific assessment areas. All students operate under the license and close supervision of faculty members, each of whom are licensed forensic psychologists.