Colorado OUD & SUD Training (COST) Program

In 2019 the Graduate School of Professional Psychology (GSPP) was awarded a graduate education grant, the Colorado OUD/SUD Training (COST) program, which is designed to address the Opiate Use Disorder (OUD)/Substance Use Disorder (SUD) needs of indigent and low-income persons, pregnant and parenting mothers, and Spanish-speaking Coloradans. The COST program will:

  1. Increase the number of doctoral students trained to provide OUD/SUD prevention and treatment services in high need, high demand areas by recruiting three cohorts of eight doctoral students/year
  2. Provide experiential education for students by placing them in partner sites that deliver integrated care, including tele-behavioral health and support, to high need communities in the metro Denver area
  3. Develop a tele-behavioral health training program for doctoral students and practicing professionals and expand telehealth service delivery at our on-site training clinic to serve remotely-located parents.


We will accept applications for the next cohort November 2020 through January 2021. There will be an information session in November 2020 to kick off the application cycle. Students can expect to be matched by February 2021.

Interested in applying or have additional questions?

Contact Us



Program Structure

Members of each cohort will be recruited from GSPP and Morgridge College of Education’s Ph.D. program in Counseling psychology. Eight students will be selected each year to participate in a two-year training program. Two of the eight cohort members will deliver Spanish-language services and are expected to have completed the LatinX training sequence (four courses) and pass the Spanish language proficiency exam, which is offered each November. Over the course of two years, students in the COST program will:

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    Complete specialty training and supervision in OUD/SUD with an emphasis on Latinx and/or Perinatal, Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH).

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    Complete three graduate OUD/SUD courses plus at least one specialty elective from the Latinx or IECMH programs.

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    Complete a one-year field placement at one of the COST partner agencies including Denver Health Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health Services, Salud Family Health Center clinics, and Parentline Colorado at GSPP’s Caring for You and Baby (CUB) clinic sites.

During the field placement year, each of the eight cohort members will receive specialty supervision, peer mentorship/supervision and a $25,000 stipend, health care coverage, and travel funds for one professional conference. Students can expect to document their participation in this highly-selective program on their CV.

Course Outline
  • Prerequisites
    • At least (1) graduate course in addictions or substantial clinical or research experience
    • The two Spanish-language service cohort members must have completed all four courses in the LatinX sequence and successfully complete the Spanish-language proficiency exam in November
    • Students interested in the IECMH field placement training opportunities must have completed/plan to complete a Parentline training Workshop

    *Interested students with no addictions coursework or experience should speak to their faculty advisor about training opportunities (e.g., CAC courses or OUD/SUD Bootcamp)


Interested in Telehealth?

Check out this Telehealth Webinar supported by our COST program.


Related Specialty Training Areas

child playing in play room

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

group therapy

Substance Use Disorder Psychology

Student speaking at event

Latinx Psychology